Course Fees & Pricing

Group Course Fees & Pricing

Learning Vedic Meditation in a group setting in a 4 day course is the most common choice, and involves learning the practice and receiving a Mantra in a 1-on-1 setting on the first day, and then attending group sessions in Days 2-4.

The way the course fee is setup is based on the way it has been done in India for centuries - and is based on an exchange of one week's earnings from the student to support the group effort that is needed to support the teacher and community in teaching and hosting events for a lifetime.

The course fee includes the 4 Day course, as well as lifetime of follow up and support from me - through weekly group meditations, direct contact to answer questions, and ability to sit in on the 4 day course to refresh, with me or any other teacher of Vedic Meditation in the world.

To simplify the process of determining the appropriate course fee, I'm using a sliding scale with the idea that each person can contribute and support the group effort according to their own ability.

The ones who have greater earnings are able to support to a greater extent which enables those with less means to be able to learn and afford the course by contributing less.

Sliding Scale Information (Course Fee based on Household Income)

1. Household Income greater than > $250k/yr -  $2,500 Course Fee.

2. Household Income between $175K - $250K/yr - $2,000 Course Fee

3. Household Income between $125K - $175K/yr - $1,500 Course Fee

4. Household income between $85K - $125k/yr - $1000 Course Fee

5. Household Income lower than  < $85,000 /yr - $800 Course Fee

6. Undergrad student, Retired Senior Citizen, Disability - $600 Course Fee

While the group course fees are set and there are no discounts, our policy is that finances should never be a barrier to learning. For this reason, there are scholarships & volunteer options available on a case by case basis. Please apply if relevant to your situation.

Private Course Option

In situations where a student prefers to learn in Private, which enables them greater flexibility with their schedule, as well as greater personal attention for specific life, family and health situations.

There are also options available where we schedule a course at your city and home, which includes travel.

Private courses start at $4,500 not including travel & lodging expenses.

If you are interested to learn more and discuss a private course, contact me for additional information and availability.
