Learn to Meditate

Learn a meditation technique that is profound, yet easy to stick with for the long term.

Attend Intro Talk

Find out how meditating for 20 minutes twice a day can transform your life. 

Why Vedic

Vedic meditation takes just 20 minutes, practiced twice a day, and fits into any lifestyle.

The practice teaches you how to feel more balanced, connected, and alive. This effortless form of meditation helps you find your inner bliss and bring more of your best, to more areas of your life, with lasting results.

How does it work?

Attend an Intro Talk 

Whether you’re new to Vedic Mediation or continuing your journey, join me for a free, in-person, or virtual chat. Discover how Vedic Meditation can empower you to find your inner bliss.

Learn to Meditate - 4 Day Course

Sign up for four, in-person sessions over 4 days. You’re meditating from day one and you’ll receive a personalized mantra. You’ll learn the technique, and understand why and how VM works.

Increase Energy and Happiness, Daily

Through daily Vedic Meditation practice, changes are immediate. You’ll feel lighter, calmer, happier, and energized. When you discover your authentic Self, you’ll attract more order and clarity to your everyday life.

What’s next?

Join the community

Once you complete the course, our community of Vedic Meditators worldwide is available to support your practice going forward. Through weekly meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and deepen your Vedic knowledge, philosophy, and understanding.

The community meetings are free for all graduates, for life.
